Tokyo – Leading classification society ClassNK (Chairman and President: Noboru Ueda) has released a summary of the latest industry developments in its annual Technical Bulletin (Vol. 32, 2014). This year’s edition covers projects on offshore sector facilities and trial results of software solution ClassNK-NAPA GREEN.
The ClassNK Technical Bulletin begins with some Invitation Papers in which several prominent researchers from Japanese research institutes discuss cutting edge offshore technologies. The topics discussed include “Wave Energy Converter: Development, Current Status and Future Prospects” which examines technological developments in wave energy convertors, specifically OWC-type converters followed by “Estimation of Position-keeping Ability of Offshore Platform for SMS Mining”.
Recent developments in FLNG (floating liquefied natural gas) facilities are outlined in ClassNK Technical Papers and details from the latest joint research projects with offshore leading experts Mitsui Ocean Development & Engineering (MODEC) and JGC Corporation are included in the Technical Reports. MODEC has conducted research in collaboration with ClassNK and other partners to work towards developing safe and economically viable FLNG facilities and GTL plants for small to medium-sized offshore gas fields. With FLNG facilities expected to become a reality in the next few years, the safe onboard use of cryogenic refrigerants will be crucial for its success. The ClassNK bulletin looks at recent risk analysis carried out by JGC Corporation on this issue and measures to be taken to mitigate such leaks.
The paper on ClassNK-NAPA GREEN includes a comprehensive introduction of the eco-efficiency software system and results from full scale ship trials carried out on ships in operation. Results show how ClassNK-NAPA GREEN was successful in achieving areduction in fuel consumption during trials at sea through the use of speed and trim optimization, translating into thousands of dollars in saved fuel costs for ship operators.
The Bulletin is available for download on the ClassNK website for ClassNK “My Page” users. Registration for ClassNK’s “My Page” service is easy and free. Simply go to ClassNK’s website at and click on “My Page Login”.