Anyone know why there was an off cycle paycheck from Chouest refunding benefits premiums?
I believe that we over paid and they reimbursed us,
Galliano marine international had a computer glitch and double billed us for insurance. You should have gotten a refund check today or tomorrow.
[QUOTE=ElCapitan;149433]Galliano marine international had a computer glitch and double billed us for insurance. You should have gotten a refund check today or tomorrow.[/QUOTE]
Severance pay…
Are things so bad at Big Orange that it’s easier to ask random strangers on the innerwebz about internal company business than to send an email to the office?
That’s just…odd.
[QUOTE=xcorps;149445]Are things so bad at Big Orange that it’s easier to ask random strangers on the innerwebz about internal company business than to send an email to the office?
That’s just…odd.[/QUOTE]
Nope not that bad. I think he didn’t want the office to know that he may of gotten some extra cash in case they made an error. I have seen this before people will scream at the to of their lungs when they are shorted but don’t report a payroll error in their favor.
Actually, I emailed payroll directly about this, but did not receive a response. I report ALL payroll discrepancies, either way.
[QUOTE=xcorps;149445]Are things so bad at Big Orange that it’s easier to ask random strangers on the innerwebz about internal company business than to send an email to the office?
That’s just…odd.[/QUOTE]
It’s that bad…