I used the online stability class to self-teach and then pass the stability module for CMM Unlimited. And the Navigation Problems for USCG exams is equally valuable.
This gentlemen’s (USCG Cutterman) content is top-notch. I just wanted to reiterate that. Probably the best content I’ve come across thus far.
Did you buy the program ? I know his cel nav videos are great .
I bought the stability program, and the Navigation Problems for USCG exams. Worth every penny, especially when studying for the Q109 module. His method for solving high altitude sun sights was one I had never seen before, and ended up being a real time saver in the exam room. 3 hours for 15 problems seems like a long time, but it’s not.
Absolutely. Just took the Q109 module the other day and it every minute counts during that test.
He was very generous and allowing me to use the cel nav stuff due to lapware being down leading up to my exam. I am very grateful and will go out of my way to recommend his material.