Ballast Water Treatment Summit

[FONT=inherit][FONT=inherit]With the Global Ballast Water Management Convention due to be addressed at the IMO assembly towards the end of 2013, it is crucial that ship owners understand how Ballast Water Treatment regulations will affect operations. BIMCO and Fathom have joined forces to develop a unique step-by-step guide to Ballast Water Treatment to ensure Ship Owners make the most informed decisions… We welcome you to join in the discussion with areas you feel should be highlighted as part of the guide,webinar and summit.


With Finland ratifying the BWMC it will become active from Sept. next year:
Are you ready for it?

More to the point, will USCG manage to type approve systems to meet the requirements of BWMC?:

Nobody is going to spend big money on installing something that will not be approved by USCG, thus being unable to call at US ports, or be fined for breaching laws that is exclusive to the US.

The first USCG approval for a BWTS has been granted to Optimar AS:

USCG is helping Norwegian company:

Blasted Swedes: