[QUOTE=Jemplayer;32660]My biggest pet peeve of mine is that they always leave their deck lights on all the TIME!!!
Please if your not working on deck turn them off so I can tell which way your going. There’s that little green light that your supposed to have on top of your boat, I’ll see it and know that your trawling and I will give you plenty of room.[/QUOTE]
I agree with comus57, offshore at least, i personally could care less about the lights, it would be great if everyone complied with the law, but IMHO at least, lets me know right away that they’re fishermen that might not heed VHF calls or proper rules, puts me in a more proactive mindset in dealing with. Chances are also that I picked up their radar echo when those lights were just a glow on the horizon, and with true snail trails, i probably know more about what direction he’s going than he does.
I’ve encoutered something similar with sailboats offshore, a lot of sailboat models have a “deck light” mounted low on front of the mast, not terribly bright, but a small white light that illuminates the deck, I’ve seen more than a few that run with this on at night as well. rules and lame excuses aside, it makes it much easier to find them in a meeting situation than a dim bobbing combined red and green side light at the waters edge, if not also a bit confusing before you figure out what it is.