Ok, I’m game. Seldom one changes the mind of another, I will say that with your military back ground ( that I admire and respect), and your rise to a deep sea chief engineer I would think you would have another view of current events. No matter, to each their own.
[QUOTE=Xmsccapt(ret);88781]Ok, I’m game. Seldom one changes the mind of another, I will say that with your military back ground ( that I admire and respect), and your rise to a deep sea chief engineer I would think you would have another view of current events. No matter, to each their own.[/QUOTE]
One does not decide over any single issue, it’s the entire scope to study and place an evaluation number on all issues. Add up all the points and one has a clear picture of what stand to take.
Now, from my side of the equation, I must mention I paid into Social Security my entire working life save the few years I sailed with MSC (if I recall correctly I was able to transfer the government retirement into social security). I also paid into Medicare. I also paid into the MEBA retirement fund. I retired from the MEBA and I collect Social Security retirement also. I need not add any thing further, of course I have a lot more meat which I will not bring to this table. You are correct, seldom one changes the mind of another. There is no such thing as a perfect choice, one must be prudent and vote according to how he/she see the complete picture.
My Navy years are way behind me.
Oddly that was the same criteria I used for my voting selection
[QUOTE=Xmsccapt(ret);88811]Oddly that was the same criteria I used for my voting selection :)[/QUOTE]
Great men think alike … they don’t always vote alike.
Did Sir Winston say this"?
Perhaps, but he also said " taxing ourselves to prosperity is like one standing in a bucket and trying to pull yourself up by the handles"
[QUOTE=Xmsccapt(ret);88819]Perhaps, but he also said " taxing ourselves to prosperity is like one standing in a bucket and trying to pull yourself up by the handles"[/QUOTE]
"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries."
Sir Winston Churchill
Great Balls Swinging Balls on Saint Peter - You Googled Sir Winston’s quotes the same time as I.
That’s not Cricket.
Two other great quotes:
Winston; " Americans can always be relied on to make the right decision, after they have tried everything else."
Lady Astor: “If you were my husband, I’d put arsenic in your coffee.”
Churchill: “Madam, if I were your husband, I would certainly drink it."
I’ve always liked this one:
To Liverpool socialist MP Bessie Braddock, who told him, “Winston, you’re drunk.”:
Bessie, you’re ugly. And tomorrow morning I’ll be sober, but you’ll still be ugly.