Latest from competent Dr. Sal on the issue although may be some disagree with below assesment??
There is a lot of discussion in the original link so, if you don’t mind, I will pick this nibble.
The news media does not understand the importance of seafaring.
They do understand the importance of seafaring but only when it goes wrong; the more spectacular the failure, the more the feigned interest.
One of the reasons that you need Seafarers is because of the odd stituation like this that pops up from time to time =
What You Need To Know About The Battle Of The Atlantic
You may not be able to get this in your region but the tousled haired twat did a good job on this; shame he wasn’t around for QP17
I have the tousled haired twat utube channel North One subscribed unfortunately this particular episode is not there.
Regarding " the odd situation like this", well the Atlantic and Pacific theatres were my teenagers passion despite the fact the info about this EPIC sea battles/wars was very much suppresed in my region when I was a teenager. But a good relations with history teachers was a key to open hidden libraries and sources.
Must say I envy young people nowadays their unbelievable ease with which they can access information in order to learn sth.