Unlimited mates license out of pmi

I have an unlimited second engineers license, but am thinking about trying to transition to the wheelhouse. The pmi workboat academy says they have a program to get an unlimited third mates license, with 360 days internship and 28 weeks school. A little farther into the fine print and it says you need more seatime afterwards to get the license. Does any one know what it is you actually get out of the program and what you have to do after to get the license?

I am under the impression that PMI Workboat Academy is tugboat oriented program. I wonder what Unlimited tonnage vessels they could put you on for the internship?

PMI is a good school and at least one of the instructors posts here.

MITAGS-PMI has a 3rd Mate program. But its approval doesn’t mention additional sea time after the program. You can check the approval here.

There is a method available to “word search” that 928 page alphabetical list of approved schools. Such as “schools with approved third Mate programs.” Can you remind us how to do that?

One of my suggestions to the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs will be to require that the USCG restore and simplify that list of approved schools and programs as an easily searchable relational data base on the NMC website. Essentially, an improved version of what it was in the first place, before NMC screwed it up.

Wow, what a resource that list is. Thanks so much.

Here’s the link to the USCG’s Latest Approved School and Course List:

Good Luck!