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[QUOTE=Capt. Robert;29855]On the 26 January 2009 I Captain Robert Rescued 3 Hispanic Shrimp Trawlers from sea due to their vessel " Compadre " on fire 100 miles off Sabine Texas. I called the USCG for this letter of Commendation for saving 3 lives at sea. I have not received this letter, nor any metal. Here is the video from the Pentagon Report.
I also have a copy of my Daily Log from that day. I guess I need to write to the [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]
[/SIZE][/FONT]Coast Guard Headquarters
Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard,
2100 Second Street, SW,
Washington, DC 20593
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2] to receive this award.[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]
Captain Robert,
We have reviewed your request and it has been decided, based on all partied involved, that there will be commendations regarding this event. These commendations will be outside of the authority of the Commandant and fall directly on the Congress of the United States to be rewarded as follows: The three hispanic trawlers will be awarded with free health insurance due to your bravery. Because of this, it should be expected that your insurance cost will rise in proportion to this outcome for being a model mariner on the high seas. In lieu of accepting this ruling, you can surrender your US Coast Guard license to: 2100 Second Street, SW,Washington, DC 20593. Once it has been established that you are no longer employed on the high seas, your insurance cost will be cancelled all together, but coverage shall remain the same.
Due to recent budget constraints, and the transfer of 30% of the US Coast Guards budget to the Department of Health services, we no longer give awards or medals. But, we do sell puppies for $150.00/each, which come in the traditional white, blue, and orange colors of the United States Coast Guard.
Best Regards,
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Do you want a medal? Or a chest to pin it on.
I think you have missed the point of the award… It’s because the Commandant finds your actions heroic, not because you find yourself heroic in your own mind. You also seem to me missing another huge point. As a mariner it is your DUTY to come to the aid of fellow mariners in peril. Helping the fishermen was a good deed no doubt, but writing the Commandant to demand a medal??? Seriously?
Pretty much sums it up.
I watched the video clip; It didn’t indicate any “risk of one’s own life, and evidence of extreme and heroic daring” nor “evidence of such extraordinary effort as to merit recognition”.
It was just a good deed, and as already mentioned, your duty as a mariner.
Medals are just like hemorrhoids, every asshole gets one sooner or later… I know cause I’ve gotten both
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To save someones life, is in it’s self, the reward…
my opinion…
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Good luck on your quest for metal.
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Sounded like it was a biggie to you at the time of the OP. :rolleyes:
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Good work captain. I think you should at least get the Coast Guard Public Service Award.
Giving up my license for free health care…hmm…maybe in a few more years. Also, I’m gonna need help with the rent, food stamps and some poor sucker to work their ass off paying for it all. And while we’re at it I like puppies and even though I can’t provide for my household let me have one of each color. Can I get free pet care too?
[quote=Capt. Robert;29855]On the 26 January 2009 I Captain Robert Rescued 3 Hispanic Shrimp Trawlers from sea due to their vessel " Compadre " on fire 100 miles off Sabine Texas. I called the USCG for this letter of Commendation for saving 3 lives at sea. I have not received this letter, nor any metal. Here is the video from the Pentagon Report.
I also have a copy of my Daily Log from that day. I guess I need to write to the [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]
[/SIZE][/FONT]Coast Guard Headquarters
Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard,
2100 Second Street, SW,
Washington, DC 20593
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2] to receive this award.[/SIZE][/FONT][/quote]
Having worked in search and rescue in the Coast Guard I can assure you that those awards are extremely rare and given only in cases of amazing heroism. Which is not to denigrate your actions or the actions of thousands of other mariners who have answered the call to assist other mariners in distress.
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[QUOTE=Capt. Robert;29889]Im not here for SMART A** comments[/QUOTE]
Then you, my good sir, are in the wrong forum and writing the wrong posts.
We’re not here to read about you bitching because you got ignored in your quest to make yourself feel special.
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