it was 100 tons. the inspector said that since his license didnt say he was also a master he wouldnt work, and that he should go back and get them to put 1600 master on it. So for you new 3rd mates get the REC to put that endorsment on there.
I just looked and looked for that in the CFR, I’ve found it before, not today - that 3rd mate or Mate 1600 are undrstood to be 100ton master and it would be a good idea to get it on the license. But 3rd mate doesn’t equal 1600 ton master, a 1600 ton master can at some point qualify to test to get 3rd mate.
Here it is:
Subpart H_Equivalents
Sec. 15.901 Inspected vessels of less than 100 gross tons.
(a) An individual holding a license as mate or pilot of inspected,
self-propelled vessels of over 200 gross tons is authorized to serve as
master on inspected vessels of less than 100 gross tons within any
restrictions on the individual’s license.
(b) An individual holding a license authorizing service as master or
mate of inspected, self-propelled vessels is authorized to serve as
master or mate, respectively, of non-self-propelled vessels other than
sail vessels, within any restrictions on the individual’s license.
© An individual holding a license authorizing service as master or
mate of inspected, sail vessels is authorized to serve as master or
mate, respectively, of other non-self-propelled vessels, within any
restrictions on the individual’s license.
(d) An individual holding a license authorizing service as master or
mate of inspected, auxiliary sail vessels, is authorized to serve as
master or mate, respectively, of self-propelled and non-self-propelled
vessels, within any restrictions on the individual’s license.
So it sounds like it’s really a <100 Ton Master that you get, and it looks like a 500 ton Mate is qualified for that too?
I know that when you get your 2/M, you can take another test that also gives you the 1600 ton Master endorsement.
Yes, I read it that way too, up to 99.9 tons and 500 ton Mate can also take advantage. Whe I passed all my 2nd Mate tests, I took the test for 1600 Master - lots and lots of questions about Ice.
Speaking of being asked to show your license and z-card: Thisis timely.