Only 750 containers lost this time. Small beer

Please stop it with the constant generalizations and blaming the speed of the ships for these cargo disasters. No one who goes to sea for a living is excited about heavy weather and the prospect of being blamed for the likely damage and personal injury that will occur. You consistently try this tact and it is getting old. Ships have been going to sea for eons and marine casualties have been occurring equally as long. The biggest thing that has changed from what I can tell is the size of the ships without any change to cargo unit (container) design.

We sailors are doing the best with what we have to work with.


I read what you write but when I was at sea we always slowed down in heavy weather. Keeping the speed would always end in disaster.

I don’t disagree.

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It happened again:

Only 41 boxes this time. REALLY SMALL BEER!!

Four container spills in the space of 47 days in the North Pacific, nearly 3,000 containers lost and insurance claims likely to top $100m. Ought we to christen a certain patch of the world’s largest ocean the Hawaiian Triangle?

Hawaii is already the northern corner of the Polynesian Triangle, with New Zealand and Easter Island.
Now, even the southern corner of the Container Triangle, with Vancouver and Tokyo…

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