MSC Zoe loses 270 containers in North Sea

There is no Dutch vts at the turn at Vlieland Junction so they would have to establish one. German Bight traffic starts at borkumriff but by then you are halfway there.

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A mandatory (after nearly a year) Joint Interim Investigation Report by the Dutch and German authorities is online >>>

They seem to be far away from the Final Report.

For a result of almost one year’s work by quite a few people this is pretty flimsy information that prompts me to ask: Is that all?

The only new fact is that the VDR data has been saved after all. There were earlier statements saying that the VDR was out of order and the data lost.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: MSC Zoe Incident Report Released

A post was split to a new topic: Captain MSC Zoe not guilty of losing North Sea containers