Maritime pay vs Airline pilot pay

2021 was a great year for the Airline guys at the top, especially the box carriers (claims of UPS/FedEx senior captains making 800k-1mil).

Now the news is saying there is a airline pilot shortage, yet the airline unions argue there is no shortage.

The pipeline to get a pilot in the seat of an airliner is much quicker than getting US merchant marine officers. And airline pilots do not need to be US citizens. We have a stronger moat than they do. We should make moar money.

You won’t make more money until you all get a union as powerful as ALPA. The airlines would charge the pilots instead of pay them if they could get away with it.


Never happen. USA union mariners are captive to their unions which are captive of the employers.They live in fear. The nonunion mariners prefer their feast or famine freedom. Sure US mariners make less than some of their EU counterparts but that’s their choice.

Disagree. US officer unions have multiple companies that the union has signed collective bargaining agreements with. There are quite a few choices of which employer to chose when it comes time to get a job. And if one company goes bankrupt, the union member is not screwed and starting from scratch at the bottom. And seniority resides within the union, across all these companies with seniority is mostly in groups, not one continuous list.

This is in great contrast airplane union life. Your airline goes bankrupt and you were living high life flying 4 days a month on the ultra-long-hall 747 run? Enjoy being next to the 24year old on the seniority list at spirit airlines.


The problem is that with multiple officer unions they are fighting and underbidding the other unions in fear that the company will switch unions for a better deal.

Almost like how Class is toothless because the company can fire them and go with another classification society, it’s just easier with class than with a union.


Yes and in a high paying district.

Looks like the regional carriers are in for a big pay raise. The maritime unions could use the same negotiating tactics to bring senior and junior officer wages in line with those of airline pilots.

I wish for this too. It takes at least 4 years to be qualified for a 3rd license, and a college degree for most. One can get an ATP in much shorter time and make more money! There is no reason for unlimited license holders to not receive comparable pay to airline pilots.

Considering that an airline pilot’s career is literally on the line every 6 months and a change of employer means (with few exceptions) starting at the bottom again the seat up front doesn’t guaranty much.

This is true, but for quite a few that avoided furlough, company bankruptcies, had no health issues, and got a good job at FedEX, UPS, or a major, 400-500k+ a year working 15 days a month max for 10-20 years is possible.

Covid was a weird situation, but there are UPS pilots that made $1million.

Much the same with shipping companies in this part of the world. I’ve started again as 3rd a couple of times. Sailed Mate with 2nd and 3rd with unlimited licences waiting for the top job to put his slippers on.

True. It would certainly create a lot of opportunities for advancement if the medical requirements for masters were the same as for pilots. Of course pilots go a bit faster than ship masters but why are masters of tankers and ULCS not required to be as fit as a UPS pilot? A ULCC or ULCS can cause much more damage than a UPS plane with their cargo.Of course we know that the UPS pilot’s license allows them to work for Delta, Singapore Air and carry people but so does the master of a ULCC license allow them to work for a cruise ship line. Thankfully the cruise ship people recognize the difference. I have been on ships where the master looked like he should be in either a serious weight loss program or hospice care. Thankfully there was usually a relatively fit chief mate anxiously waiting for him to do one or the other.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Southwest Air Pilots get a 50% pay raise over 5 years

I’ll leave this here.

Airline pilots in the US are unionized. That makes a difference.

So are most deep sea mariners.

…and grossly underpaid despite it!

Hard to compare flying vs sailing; but they are not “sleeping/living” where they work, either! Posh hotels, mandated blocks of rest, work clothes provided, not breathing methyl-ethyl bad-shit fumes, or dust, or saddled with reams of mandatory paperwork.

Yup, we are waaay behind on the global transportation feed trough.

Deep sea unions don’t have the will to shut down commerce like the airline unions. Deep sea unions have devolved into employment agencies.


:rofl: deepsea US unions can’t shut down the industry. There’s only like 80 foreign going ships. Maybe the coastwise industry but you might as well be trying to kill the jones act while you’re at it.