Letter sent to Trump administration urges support of U.S.-flag vessels

Well now, don’t get your knickers in a twist. I only pointed out that China and other buyers of US oil, gas or whatever other products MAY want to decide on how and by whom it will be transported as long as they pay for it. (Unless the US sellers wants to deliver to their doorstep free of charge, in which case they can do so by whatever means they want)

The days when an all powerful nation could set the rules and the rest of the world had to bow their heads and take it is history. Just ask the Brits.

A reasonably fair trading system has been established in the world, much thanks to the US leadership and superior power since WWII.
It is far from perfect, since it still favour the rich Western countries over weaker countries in Asia, Africa and South America, but that is about to change as those countries develop and challenge status quo.

Shipping is one place where there have been some resemblance of freedom, where 3rd party shipments between ports in different countries have been the norm, while cabotage have protected domestic trade in most countries.

To go back to where governments demand shipment of their goods, whether import or export, on ships flying their own flag, would go directly against everything USA have been standing for the last nearly 75 years.THAT would be anti-American.

If the US want to compete in the world’s shipping market they have to do so by building or buying ships at market rates and operate them at competitive costs, not by bullying and threats.
Neither China or anybody else in the world owe US mariners a living, you have to earn it like everybody else.

And don’t tell me that “it will only add a few cents to the price at the pump”. That is not the point. The point is freedom of shipping and trade. IMHO THAT IS THE AMERICAN WAY.