[QUOTE=tengineer1;181961] Can’t be bothered to do anything such as write your representative because you personally do not benefit [/QUOTE]
So, tell me tengineer1…what are your views on affirmative action?
Would you personally write to your congressperson if you personally witnessed or knew about any injustices that were imposed on minorities or any protected groups? Would you [I]insist[/I] on affirmative action programs for all companies to help these groups economically, with just one of these groups making up more than 50% of the population?
[QUOTE=cajaya;181960]Or you might be able to use this site: http://www.merriam-webster.com/ to look up both the words “congresswoman”, and “conventional”.[/QUOTE]
I’ll give you a little education on English grammar. Words like human, congressman, chairman, etc are non gendered. They are not changed in reference to the gender of the subject.
Just because some feminists get offended because the title has “man” in it without being proceeded by “wo” doesn’t make it correct and just because it’s used (wrongly) so often that some dictionaries include the word doesn’t make it correct. People take the political correct butt-hurt so far that they call themselves furniture to not appear to be sexist, but it isn’t correct either. (“Jasmine is the chair of the committee” is she is a piece of furniture to be sat upon. One can chair a committee but one cannot be a chair, not counting the kinky people that are into that kind of thing.)
Additionally, knowing the definition of “conventional” does not tell us what YOU mean by “non conventional sailors”.
[QUOTE=cajaya;181950]… I would be happy to never be in close proximity to a man again in my entire life.[/QUOTE]
Judging by your performance here I wouldn’t think you have much to worry about in that area. If you mean something else then I guess, like they say, there’s nothing wrong with that either.
[QUOTE=Capt. Phoenix;181964]I’ll give you a little education on English grammar. Words like human, congressman, chairman, etc are non gendered. They are not changed in reference to the gender of the subject.
Well, I’m sorry, but you are wrong. I wouldn’t call my congressperson “Congressman Sophia Smith”.
I think you have been spending too much time in the bayou. Are you drinking the water down there? Like raw? Unfiltered or something? I have heard they are really not too much into the environmental stuff in that region.
[QUOTE=cajaya;181966]Well, I’m sorry, but you are wrong.[/QUOTE]
Yes, because you are an authoritative source on English grammar and my books on the topic aren’t. If you’re Christian do you say “a-women” after you pray because you feel Amen is sexist?
[QUOTE=Capt. Phoenix;181969]Yes, because you are an authoritative source on English grammar and my books on the topic aren’t. If you’re Christian do you say “a-women” after you pray because you feel Amen is sexist?[/QUOTE]
LOL, yea if it’s plural its congressmen. Yea, I think your books are wrong. I didn’t know mudboat captains cared so much about grammar.
[QUOTE=cajaya;181963]So, tell me tengineer1…what are your views on affirmative action?
Would you personally write to your congressperson if you personally witnessed or knew about any injustices that were imposed on minorities or any protected groups? Would you [I]insist[/I] on affirmative action programs for all companies to help these groups economically, with just one of these groups making up more than 50% of the population?
Please do tell me…I must know…[/QUOTE]
OK pity person I will feed your troll self. Affirmative action was enacted as a forced measure to jump start past discrimination. It helped to a point. Unfortunately some organizations whether schools or corporations went by the color or sex of the law instead of doing the hard work of screening employees/students to choose the best qualified of the minority they were supposed to help. Many good minority people were passed over while less qualified minority people were chosen. This gave the entire affirmative action program a bad name. This was in some cases deliberate. I do NOT insist on affirmative action programs to help these groups because it simply does not work. One of the largest minority groups in the USA now is Asian. They do not ask for affirmative action they simply work their ass off and make their own affirmative action. Not all are successful but most insist their “minority” children get a good education, endure the name calling and just work!! Which minority group, male and female, is admitted to top universities based on qualifications at a much higher rate than their percentage of the population?When was the last time you saw a homeless east Asian? In the USA there is a group of people which have a sense of entitlement and seem to aspire to the lowest common denominator. They don’t read but are told how to think by Fox news or the other lowest culture that speaks their language and commiserates with them. I don’t know which feels sorriest for themselves and feels they are owed more; dumbass white people or dumbass black people.
My congress critter cannot change that mindset and probably is just a big a idiot as those that sit around blaming everyone else rather than educating themselves. Were people better educated perhaps they would realize the people that pay congress along with the media which is owned by the same people have so manipulated the USA as to make it an oligarchy.
[QUOTE=tengineer1;181976]OK pity person I will feed your troll self. Affirmative action was enacted as a forced measure to jump start past discrimination. It helped to a point. Unfortunately some organizations whether schools or corporations went by the color or sex of the law instead of doing the hard work of screening employees/students to choose the best qualified of the minority they were supposed to help. Many good minority people were passed over while less qualified minority people were chosen. This gave the entire affirmative action program a bad name. This was in some cases deliberate. I do NOT insist on affirmative action programs to help these groups because it simply does not work. One of the largest minority groups in the USA now is Asian. They do not ask for affirmative action they simply work their ass off and make their own affirmative action. Not all are successful but most insist their “minority” children get a good education, endure the name calling and just work!! Which minority group, male and female, is admitted to top universities based on qualifications at a much higher rate than their percentage of the population?When was the last time you saw a homeless east Asian? In the USA there is a group of people which have a sense of entitlement and seem to aspire to the lowest common denominator. They don’t read but are told how to think by Fox news or the other lowest culture that speaks their language and commiserates with them. I don’t know which feels sorriest for themselves and feels they are owed more; dumbass white people or dumbass black people.
My congress critter cannot change that mindset and probably is just a big a idiot as those that sit around blaming everyone else rather than educating themselves. Were people better educated perhaps they would realize the people that pay congress along with the media which is owned by the same people have so manipulated the USA as to make it an oligarchy.[/QUOTE]
Tengineer1, just so you know…some universities have started affirmative action programs for male students. They have been scoring consistently lower at the SATs, which have led to unbalanced populations on the campuses. Some of them have lowered the standards for male students just to get more of them in. They are not looking at race, they are just trying to get more of them in to get the numbers evened out again.
Your diatribe, goes against many studies on affirmative action. When the plans are layed out, a minority or protected group of at least equal qualifications to their white male counterparts should be chosen. The spots are not even supposed to be for all of them, sometimes just a small portion of whatever accurately represents the available workforce considering population and equal qualifications. It has been noted that black females at the corporate level often have two or three degrees more than their white male counterparts which sometimes have no degree at all.
Affirmative action is the only reason there are women or minority officers on U.S. flagged ships at all (especially government owned ones). Before affirmative action, almost every available position would almost always go exclusively to white males, regardless of qualifications. Yes, probably a few bad ones slip through the cracks every now and then, but who cares? I have seen an excessive amount of horribly stupid people in positions they shouldn’t be due to the good 'ole boy system and nepotism which has nothing to do with qualifications.
Yes, sadly women sometimes have a hard time uniting with and helping one another. I did once work with a mostly female crew and it worked out quite nice. It was on a yacht, the captain chose us carefully, he didn’t want any bitchy/prissy types, the stewardess/deckhand, he didn’t want from the yachting industry because they are known for that stuff, she came directly from the UK navy, and his wife was on board who was a very sweet woman, not a mean bone in her body. That was probably a rare situation LOL.
Affirmative action is the only reason there are women or minority officers on U.S. flagged ships at all (especially government owned ones). Before affirmative action, almost every available position would almost always go exclusively to white males, regardless of qualifications. Yes, probably a few bad ones slip through the cracks every now and then, but who cares? I have seen an excessive amount of horribly stupid people in positions they shouldn’t be due to the good 'ole boy system and nepotism which has nothing to do with qualifications.[/QUOTE]
I don’t know which feels sorriest for themselves and feels they are owed more; dumbass white people or dumbass black people of either sex.
[QUOTE=tengineer1;181983] I don’t know which feels sorriest for themselves and feels they are owed more; dumbass white people or dumbass black people of either sex.
Seems to me that you just don’t like affirmative action because it doesn’t benefit your “group” directly. Should I dare now call you a “narcissist”?.
By the way, the definitive difference between someone who seems arrogant and a full blown narcissist is characterized by an extreme lack ok empathy for others. I have empathy for the people that have real struggles in life, like the people that never even make it to wiper or deckhand to get started because whichever union or company wont accept them or let them transfer or promote them etc. I’m sorry, but a few priveldeged academy grads not getting jobs on tankers, and now they have to go work on grain ships for a little bit less money is not a real struggle. And I dont feel bad for people that come here to make money with no intention of being part of this country either.
If you disagree with the government studies on affirmative action, maybe you can fund your own studies. You will have to come up with some money to employ the economists and behavioral scientists.
[QUOTE=johnny.dollar;181981]Well, an all woman company/ship would be great to work at, wouldn’t it? Just ask this lady that actually did such a thing (hilarious read…if you are a “sexist pig” and proud) [/QUOTE]
MY GAWD! Get the Lifetime Network on the phone…this is the reality TV show to end all shows! SERIOUSLY!
actually as a side note when you read the article you come away that there is only one way for a group of women to coalesce into an effective unit and that is if they are all DYKES and this would be their captain!
[QUOTE=cajaya;181984]If you disagree with the government studies, maybe you can fund your own studies. You will have to come up with some money to employ the economists and behavioral scientists.[/QUOTE]
Infinite loop…
[QUOTE=injunear;181987]Infinite loop…[/QUOTE]
Hey, dont acuse me of being selfish for not giving two shits about a possible law that has no chance of benefiting me at all. I would support it if it also stated that all the positions would go only to people residing and paying taxes in the U.S. and that the workers for these positions would be equally considered regardless of gender, race, region, orientation, academy grad status etc, that a third party would would enforce it (but not some corrupted union) and that strict tax penalties would ensue for not following through. Yea, then I would support it 100% and I would write letters to congress everyday. Otherwise…nope, dont care and have no regrets about it.
Wait till you hit 50 plus there Cajaya…there’s a saying, old age ain’t fer cowards. There’s a reason for that.
Now, instead of talking about that all-night party at the club, we talk about grandkids, arthritis remedies and knee replacements. Fortunately, the industry still somewhat values experience- but they expect it to be packaged in a youthful shell, lol.