Are you professional enough to post on "gCaptain"?

I actually thought that was pretty funny!

Looking at some of the last few posts, maybe OP has a point.

Although, having been at the receiving end of some nasty personal attacks from certain parties I say: Raise yourself above it and accept that that is a natural part of being on a forum with some rough and tumble Mariners. Most of it is banter and not to be taken serious.

PS>I believe you are more than able and willing to give back from what I see.

PPS> I have received my fair share of c.captain’s cake. It’s getting stale by now.

Hard to say. …or he actually thought he would get a different response, us thanking him, and is playing it off like he set us up in a last ditch effort to hold on to redeem himself…

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Could be what you say but what did it for me was the sarcastic: Thanks yall! And especially the LMAO which means: Laughing My Ass Off. Not very professional…

To quote Jayne Cobb, “They don’t pay me to talk pretty…” it’s a sailors forum for crying out loud. It would be a WHOLE lot saltier if the admin didn’t have cursing so well clamped down.

So while I can’t say what I’d like to, at this stage, I respectfully ask @c.captain to post “the cake picture” for me.

that cake picture always gets a chuckle out of me.

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He already did.

Wish he’d post it in the “cruise ship smoking b**** fest” too but the caps lock leads me to believe it’s him to begin with. :smile:

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He robbed from the rich, and he gave to the poor
Stood up to The Man and he gave him what for
Our love for him now ain’t hard to explain
The hero of Canton, the man they call Jayne.

Jayne, now that’s what I call a professional. Le sigh.


Negative… I don’t set the tone. In fact I do as much as I possibly can to avoid censoring or moderating this forum… which, I realize, is part of the problem. What does set the tone are the guidlines set out in the FAQ (FAQ - gCaptain Forum) which we pretty much plagiarized from people we agree with, people who spent a lot more time thinking about these types of problems than I have.

We (the gCaptain team of which I lead) did create this forum but not to give myself the job of rule maker or enforcer. We, the gCaptain team, created it to give you a platform to communicate with like minded professionals. We wanted to gove something back to the profession. And we hope that you post because you want to give other people something too (something other than your middle finger).

Not only am I a sailor but I’m from the Fuck’n Bronx for fucks sake.

^^^ that’s an appropriate us of shit talk

Go fuck yourself for thinking that I give a shit about your sailor’s mouth

^^^that is an inappropriate response that will be moderated for reasons that have nothing to do with cursing

(See the difference?)


So can I flag this post then? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Seriously though, thanks for clarifying on that a bit.

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The problem, and why we don’t ban more “disgruntled sailors” is that sometimes these people are the only ones willing to talk the truth about problems that everyone knows about but few are willing to post about.

For example, behind c.captain is a very experienced and knowledgeable mariner who’s done much good to expose BS in this industry and has repeatedly put his career at stake to tell the truth. Yes, that’s mixed with a lot of unessessart vitriol (which has reaultes in numerous long periods in the penalty box) but I don’t know of any polished professionals that are willing to publish the things he has.


For exactly that reason, I sincerely hope that you guys never give him a permanent ban. Yeah, he’s grumpy, but damned if I don’t respect the hell out of him and his views. Unless he’s ranting at Fraq, AHTS, or Ombugge… then I just ignore the senile old coot. :wink:

FYI - You might have succeeded in, what I believe, was a good attempt at asking important questions if you had deleted this paragraph (or, at least, the first sentence of this paragraph.

Can anyone tell me what the most violent word in the English language is?

The answer is “should”.

Nothing posses people off more than telling them what they should or should not do. And I don’t care how professional a person is… if you want to hear them curse like a sailor tell them directly what they should do.


P.S. this post is for you too c.captain. Telling people to go fuck themselves is a waste of time and energy but rarley gets my inboxes flooded with requests to ban you. What does get brought to my attention is when you start throwing around the s word. If someone enjoys blowing the bugle in a brass band marching band under flying the colors of KP then I, sure as shit, don’t want to listen to it… but I don’t have to so why should I tell him to stop?

P.S.2. Just so I’m clear it was telling a first time poster that he “should” keep his mouth shut untill he’s been posting for ages that was brought to my attention… not the eat shit birthday :birthday:.

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since we’ve already past that point of no return…why don’t we just cut the cake and take the cheese?


John, I thank you will much humility for what I believe are profound and fitting words concerning my contributions here in the forum

for close to forty years I have suffered the painful reality that the maritime industry I wanted to join and spend my life in has been throughout that period suffering from a cancer steadily spreading through its body and relentlessly killing it. Not too many years before I entered the industry, the USA had both the biggest and the best merchant marine seen on our planet but when the corporations found there was more money to be made in foreign ships, the US became a sixth rate miserable backwater still running steamships in 2017. A laughing stock to say the very least and a personal embarrassment to me.

All the forces which have unleashed the cancer inside our industry is what I have found this forum to be my avenue to decry in my often rust streaked and grease coated words. To hold back is to do a disservice to that cause that possibly a better industry might result from what I write. At the very least, if I can shine a light that a few of my fellows might see how they too are being sold out by the powers of money then I will have accomplished something albeit small but still genuine and valuable. I still believe that as a collective, we US citizen mariners can force change but it could only be through a representative body that would allow all our voices to become one loud one that no matter how hard they might try to deny it, would have to be heard in the Maritime Administration, USCG Headquarters and the Capital Building. The day I give up in this quest, will be the day I end up in the cardboard box as my body is turned to ashes. Then, maybe another man will then take up my cause…very possibly a man who might have first read my words here?


As you know all of you here , Sailors have the most profuse vocabulary in every language on the sea .

As you know all of you here , Sailors have the most profuse vocabulary in every language on the sea .

@c.captain I’m in shock. A professional response… you’ve regained some faith. @john Thank you for clarifying on the word “should”. I can see where you’re coming from and how that came across.

Like many, we all feel some things need to be said. Whether most of you want to admit it or not, I can see in some of the responses, this needed to be said. There is no question that this forum as a lot of animosity and trash talking to fellow sailors on it. I’m comfortable to say I spoke for many. Just as c.captain does but in a different way. Yes sailors are have the trash language of the seas and very profuse. No denying that.

I suppose it’s not what you say, but more about how you say it when trying to get a point across. Obviously I “should” work on that.

I hope that this post will take effect in some people when they are trying to get a valid and genuine message across. If not, I would careless. I spoke my mind with no filter and felt I did so in a respectable way. Maybe I provoked a few, but that’s life. Like a few mentioned, we all for the most part have thick skin. None of these posts bothered me a bit. Just to clarify. :wink:

Fair winds brothers!

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