I believe Coast Guard buck stops with her, right? It means among other things she is responsible for the NMC printer disaster. Good riddance to the wanker, it’s all I can say.
Firing USCG commandant for poor job performance, executive order to rename GoM to GoA, tariffs, stop catch & release to revert back to Stay in Mexico etc., etc, & it hasn’t been 24 hours yet. I doubt, I hope, there’s no one who visits this forum who will be able to keep up with all the stuff that will be changing or reverting back to how they were 4, 10 or 20 yrs ago. Prayers for the site monitors if anyone tries.
This is what the country voted for, this is who we are
This is who we look like right now. Not who we are. This too shall pass, but not without a price. I’m looking at the “bright side”! Who will pay the most?
Ironically many of President Trump’s most fervent supporters
It will be lots of leopards eating lots of faces off. If I lived on another planet I would be ROFLMAO at idiots voting for their own destruction.
You sure? We all saw what he was and he won anyway. It seems like this IS what the people want.
Pretty sure. Most of those people thought retail prices would magically lower themselves. If half the stuff he “promised” comes to fruition, they will go up.
Not saying there isn’t some responsibility on ADM Fagan, but the issue of new construction/recruiting/retention started before her command. She was a handed a shit sandwich with Fouled Anchor, too. No one before her was held accountable, but it seems she is holding the bag. The entire Acquisition structure should have been sacked YEARS ago when Project Deepwater imploded. Certainly someone earlier (multiple people???) should have gone down the gangway for Fouled Anchor and THAT fiasco.
There seems to be a reckoning…let’s see how many more 3 and 4 stars get the pink slip from other services in the coming weeks…
Yes. This democracy thingy confuses Lefties no end. They don’t get it.
Popcorn supply is hold out for now.
Socially and politically we have reverted to 1933. This is what 1.5 percent of those who voted for a presidential candidate have lead us into. The horrible reality is that figure represents only 0.15 percent of registered voters. Our future is not in the hands of the majority, it is quickly becoming clear it is in the pockets of a very few.
Uhmmm… From a group a people who didn’t even have a primary to run a candidate for president, where the candidate was just appointed by 6 uber elites I’ll take your comment with a grain of salt. I’ll try to remember the majority totals of both the popular vote & electoral college plus ALL of the margin of error swing states.
Message sent from the WH to uscg was understood loud & clear. USCG becomes first US Government agency to use the new title of Gulf of America.
Edit: I hope it is just a computer glitch but my comment kept getting edited (or glitched) concerning my link about the USCG using the term Gulf of America on Day 2. Here’s another link that might be liked better??? Now if they can just fix the NMC & get rid of that completely ridiculous, unneeded list of gender neutral pronouns that we will all be sailing under. I would have fired that lady too, ridiculousness.
The only reason that Fagan was appointed Commandant of the USCG by the misnamed “progressives” pulling Senile Joe Biden’s puppet strings is that she was a woman, and probably LGBTQ.
I suspect that her presence as Commandant was not helpful to USCG recruitment.
Trump was absolutely correct to fire her.
Considering the quickness her temporary
replacement responded to the lead of the WH & made changes, plus no resignations of any of her subordinates, something tells me recruitment wasn’t the only thing suffering under her command.
“The only reason that Fagan was appointed Commandant of the USCG by the misnamed “progressives” pulling Senile Joe Biden’s puppet strings is that she was a woman, and probably LGBTQ.”
Does “probably” being LGBTQ constitute actual evidence? Are we just making up things about peoples sexual orientation/histroy now??
The above quote was from @tugsailor. Who is probably LGBTQ and probably had inappropriate relations with sheep.
“You sure? We all saw what he was and he won anyway. It seems like this IS what the people want.”
Correction: This is what roughly half the people that actually voted want.
President Trump won with 49.8% of the actual votes.
Harris had 48.3% of the actual votes.
(according to The 2024 Election by the Numbers | Council on Foreign Relations)
That’s only 1.5% more actual votes than the other candidate. Not exactly a landslide. Compared to Biden’s 4.5% or Reagan’s 9.7 & 18.2%. (Presidential Election Margin of Victory | The American Presidency Project)
Hahaha lol.
I’ve never claimed to have a finely tuned “gaydar,” but she looks rather “butch” to me.
However, maybe she is a straight cisgendered woman that just happens to look “butch” to me.
Maybe she is, maybe she isn’t. It doesn’t matter anyway.
If she had been hired based solely upon merit , rather than affirmative action and DEI, and had done a good job, it wouldn’t matter at all to me.
The thing that does matter is that the new administration determined that she has not done a good job and they fired her.
It’s time to send some more letters to the new administration about the need for more firing at the NMC, whatever their appearance, gender or orientation may be.
Geek question for the military types - what happens if she does not resign her commission? I know she will and retire - but not 100 % the President can force you to resign your commission without a UCMJ type reason.
Anyone know ??
I just glanced through a few articles on her firing & no where did it say she was asked to resign her commission or that she was kicked out or forced to retire from the USCG. She was just fired from her position. It was my understanding that military officers are allowed to keep their commission but might be called up for duty in case of emergency if they do. Considering we gave our proxy our missles, our guidance systems & the use of our military satellites to kill Russian citizens on Russia soil a couple of months ago it’s probably better if she keeps her commission just in case. Unless someone with some common sense can somehow bring us from the brink of WW3 & deescalate that situation of course.