Shipping News revived

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Wow. Three inspectors obducted by master. !!! .

I have obducted temporarily 1 pilot in Duala Cameroon and 1 in Colombo Sri Lanka by forcing them to pilot the vessel to the plt stn as indicated on charts and as described in nautical publications but to obduct visiting inspectors had never crossed my mind :wink:

Video: Greek Troops Board Tanker, Arresting Captain on “Abduction” Charges (

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Greeks in news focus again. Nice article in Trade Winds but behing a paywall so BBC piece must do here.

Greece: Four dead in shooting at shipping company - BBC News

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We live in interesting times for shipping:

PNG coastal trade has a new entrant:

Never so bad that it isn’t good for somebody:

PS> Many Danish owned ships are already flying other nation’s flag and are managed from there.

From the lastest edition of “Maritime CEO”:

NIMBYs or a real problem?:

By a bit behind (as #4) followed US owned vessels.

Will any of this have anything implication on the daily life of the Master and crew onboard the vessel?:

Illustration courtesy of spowiednick:

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Maybe something to think about for other nations?

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Illustration courtesy of Artificial Inteligence and Maritime Analitica

Yes it is about time to replace this one:

Maybe with a larger version of this one?:

Heading into Canadian waters, or any Canadian port soon?
Beware!!! Heavier fines applies for any violation of Canadian or International Maritime Laws & Rules:

PS> That is more DWT in worldwide trade than many National Fleets.
