I will need to test deck & nav genersl +safety, +deck safety, ror, and celestial at the REC. what is the best study material for specific subjects?
Murphy Books and www.seasources.net are what I like to use. If you will do a seach on the subject in prior threads you will find a ton of other options as well.
Lapware is a great resource and if you’re having difficulty in a particular area you can filter the question to those in an area you want to focus on.
On your approval to test letter there will be test codes for each of them. Get on lapware and look for those test codes under generate exams. Those will be the Q & A that you will be tested on. I just had a friend of mine on the old scheme go from 3rd to 2nd Mate and he used lapware and passed everything the first time with no problems.
And, as RJB says, “Get straight with Nate”!
the test “module codes” for the appropriate exam are contained in the “Deck Guide”.
Thanks for the input. Do I have to have the Flashing Light cert before I can submit application for RIG?
[QUOTE=Cgaptain;24426]Thanks for the input. Do I have to have the Flashing Light cert before I can submit application for RIG?[/QUOTE]
You do now days. I liked it better when you had the option of taking the test in the exam room, but now they will only process an application when it is complete and that includes having a flashing light certificate (that is current within the last year).
The NMC website will have the checklist of required information for the license being applied for. Use that checklist to go over your on application, and the REC should help you do the same.
Everything can be emailed now as well. Reference NMC’s home page.
i saw the online app but how do they cite originals? scan for now and bring originals at time of testing? this will sure save some travelling back and back again to the REC
Apparently, if they are willing to take applications via email, they are taking that as citing the original. Reference the policy and the link within the policy on NMC’s homepage. That contains the list of acceptable emailed document.
You can submit your application now, however once your application has been assigned to a professional qualifications evaluator and is evaluated, if there is any missing certificates your file will be placed on hold and you will have 90 days to reply.
this is direct from asknmc. seems to be 6 one way, half dozen the other. i will wait until i have all documents ready and go through evaluation once (hopefully). Thanks for your input.
I didnt see anything specific about scanning/ presenting originals. just 300dpi, and a total size limit (i think 10mb).
Lapware is worth every penny! it was balls on with 7/9 tests
[QUOTE=Cal;23772]Lapware is a great resource and if you’re having difficulty in a particular area you can filter the question to those in an area you want to focus on.