Im in Bayou La Batre at Sea School. Great program and great school by the way!! I am about to complete my STWC 95. I want to stay onboard for the STCW program to get my AB ticket. Im from Maine, Im in AL now…and I need funding. The class starts the 13th of October. Will someone please help this greenhorn financially? Is that ok to ask???:eek:
Check with Obama.
LMAO!!! how I wish…
unemployment dept. helped me with funds
Here is a person that is willing to get some education and find work…But instead, our Government pays people not to…something is seriously wrong…
I am sorry to be the one to inform you but Gimmie died. I remember I was told he died when I was 16. It was a sad day indeed. Seems like only yesterday. Every now and then I sit back on my couch and remember the good ol’ days. I couldn’t attend the funeral because of commitments with my job… boy, I do miss ol’ Gimmie.
On a brighter note. You mentioned you are getting your STCW 95… Basic Safety Training I am guessing? If so, you will not need the AB certificates until you have at least 180 days on deck and that is only if you go to work on OSV’s otherwise 360 days service on deck. The AB certificates are only good for a period of one year so don’t be to hasty getting them until you know you are waving goodbye to ol’ gimmie and going to work.
I do want to offer you my condolences on your loss, and be the first to wish you the best of luck in finding gainful employment. And remember: The harder you work, the luckier you get.
IMHO…the first steps in the evolution of an aspiring “green hand” are to first procure a TWIC card>drug screen>physical>MMC>BST…figure cost to you ~ $1500USD (excludes travel/living expenses) and 6-8 weeks before the process is complete…might want to “network” a job during the process!!
as far as funds are concerned…not a favorable enviroment for the “Gimmies” in this country right now…this economy has impacted everyone in the country including the billionaires…even the charities in this country are suffering…those of us who are not working hope to find a job and those employed hope to keep the job they have…you should consider this a “boot strap” enviroment!!
that said…check with your “home” state to see if they have “Obama funds” for instate or out of state vocational training available…also check the other state’s vocational systems for grant progams that might have funds available for non residents…Louisiana has a vocational system with a decent marine program!!
Good Luck in your quest!!
[B]Try Young Memorial in Morgan City, LA much cheaper than Sea School where you are at.[/B]