Mmd question

I live in Louisiana I had a dui 5 years ago in California not a felony. should I list it? iam filling out the application for the mmd (zcard). I wanted to know if ill get disqualified for the dui?

You should list it as they will run you through a National Data Base and trust me if it’s there they will find it.

I had a DUI three years prior to applying for my MMD and still got it so you should be good.

If you don’t list it, they consider you a liar and you’ll never get the MMC.

Yes, you should list it.

I picked up DUI in California in 1991. Got my MMD in 2005. At the time I asked the REC if I should list it and there answer was yes. They advised me to list what the disposition of court was and to list any completion of SB38, etc. Everything went OK.

Good luck

[QUOTE=AnthonyG;100625]I live in Louisiana I had a dui 5 years ago in California not a felony. should I list it? iam filling out the application for the mmd (zcard). I wanted to know if ill get disqualified for the dui?[/QUOTE]

It shouldn’t be a problem, if you disclose it. See 46 CFR 10.213(b), the Coast Guard generally won’t consider convictions older than 3 years.

Fauilure to disclose the conviction will result in a denial and waiting period.