Local Knowledge Instruction

Does anybody have the cancelled NY REC Pilotage Local Knowledge Instruction 16721?

First I have to say I haven’t sat for any NY pilotage in a LOOONG time, but my experience when I was sitting required your “Local Knowledge” questions to be satisfied with an almost verbatim recitation of what the US Coast Pilot states as “special local information”. The CP had a small paragraph on the specific route that would include what the authors determined to be an area that needed special consideration and experience. Hell Gate for example had to be described in a way that showed you understood the influence of LIS and the Upper Bay and Harlem river confluences and how they were approached. You were expected to include at least a summary of that info and embellish it with a bit more detail based on your training and whatever you thought was pertinent to the question. I don’t recall a specific instruction documented or provided in the exam.