Knee jerk ignition circuit

my favorite forum seems quiet of late so here’s a diagnosis I recently figured out.
Returning from a ‘expedition’ to about 7,000 Ft. My landrover quit. I didn’t have tools or anything but by pumping the gas pedal got the engine to fire. It’d only fire when letting up on the gas pedal so we drove 3.5 miles up to the next ridge line where we coasted home. It turns out every time I lifted my knee it’d hit the fuse box whereupon a loose wire completed the ignition circuit and the engine would briefly fire.

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I think that is a Lucas analog version of a digital “Easter egg”.

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hahahha… LUCAS … aka “prince of darkness” … but really, I’ve had little issue with my old '73 series 3. I bought it new and it has been put thru the wringer and is way way overdue for a overhaul.

My ‘73 bequest me a very comprehensive tool kit.

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Why do the British drink warm beer?

They have Lucas refrigeration.


hahahahah… i was going to suggest it’s because they haven’t discovered refrigeration … but seriously, is that common? warm beer? on the other hand warm vodka goes into the blood stream faster, so i’ve heard, … i don’t recall the results of my own ‘‘surveys’’.

It used to be if you were unlucky and only ‘beers’ such as Millers or Coors were available you consumed them at the lowest temperature that they were liquid to make them palatable. It took the US a long time to learn how to make beer again after prohibition.


The chief executives of some beer companies had just finished an international convention on beer.

The CE of Budweiser asked for a Bud.

The CE of Coors asked for a Coors.

The CE of Guinness asked for a Coke.

Why ?? The CE of Budweiser and Coors asked.

Well if you are not drinking beer then neither am I

There are many many more beers than Guinness available, in fact it is what I will order if there is nothing good available,:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Guinness is served cold,

I rest my case

I could have used many many other beer companies but I did know that y,all would have heard of Guinness

I never started drinking beer with any regularity till around 2013 after i retired. Since then I’ve developed nasal issues so I can’t really taste nor smell so I bought coors or Keystone which my neighbor swears is the same thing. Now … wouldn’t you know it, I have to slack off or quit beer. fer phokz sake, I’ve quit every other legal and illegal vice there is and now I can’t even drink beer or I risk a heart attack. what’s left? people die from sobriety right?

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The Budweiser brewed just outside of Prague brews beer but even though they are the original they didn’t register the name and are only able to sell the brand in the Czech Republic.

Available here in Norway:

And in Switzerland:

oh you guys, … how I miss traveling the world and grabbing things like this off the shelf without a second thought.
better to stay at sea and get tossed over the side when you miss watch?

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It’s a great drop. There is no comparison with that crap from Milwaukee of the same name.