How do I Upgrade to Inand from western rivers ? I have 200 ton masters steam or motor vessel,master of western river towing,mate(pilot) western rivers. I think all i need is 30 day tour of route
[I][QUOTE=cptnflip;32978]How do I Upgrade to Inand from western rivers ? I have 200 ton masters steam or motor vessel,master of western river towing,mate(pilot) western rivers. I think all i need is 30 day tour of route[/QUOTE][/I]
To add western rivers to your towing vessel license, you need 90 days on western rivers and must complete the western rivers TOAR. See 46 CFR 11.464(d) and 11.465(b)
please read the question again, you got it backwards and there is a difference. thanks. I am also a D. E. from everything i have read, its 30 days no toar.I have western rivers i need inland
See footnote 1 to 46 CFR Table 11.464(a).