Concerns about NEO/Covid

I’m suppose to get a call about shipment for NEO soon, have anyone heard anything about cancellation due to Covid? They’ve postponed my last date in November and gave me January, I’m just getting worried that I won’t be able to start my new career…

I’ve recently been dealing with two different government agencies.

No. Not MSC or the USCG.

I’ve found that their offices are closed to the public because of Covid. Many people are “out.” Many people are supposedly “working from home.” These agencies are not getting anything done.

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Future government perks will include COVID days with a provided laptop with no cam (for pajama liability reasons). Of course, those days will accrue based on tenure because the “science” outputs are as good as whatever you decide the inputs are. (Party affiliation declaimer goes here; signed Federal Elections Commission)


When I delivered office supplies in 2020 it was insane how many offices would be fully working from home and still order to the office while leaving everything locked up.
Or even lock the office when they are inside.
Most of the time I was nice and tried to get the packages inside because office Karen sure isnt lifting a 70lb case of paper.

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So, I’m probably not leaving Sunday huh!?

They do travel at the last minute. If it’s not cancelled I’d expect to be going.

NEO classes are up and running. Unless YOU pop positive, expect to go.
If you do pop positive, call and let them know immediately.