:mad:I need some help I have been off the ships for about a 1 1/2 years I was with the Military Sealift Command for 7 years and resigned due to family illness. I tried things on the outside here, but my passion is for the sea, I have a AB unlimited, RFPNW, STCW-95, I have read and filled out some of the applications of what I have seen you guys post, if there is anymore info anybody can give me it would be greatly appreciated.
Just a note for the futureā¦ you will have much better success getting answers to your questions if you spend some time thinking of a title that will get people to click on the thread.
If you need inspiration, look at the covers of your favorite magazines and see which story titles on the cover inspire you to open the mag and read the article.
Thank you John for your reply. In the future I will not try to be so misleading in my title, I enjoy the site and hope my ignorance didnt throw people off.