New Years Resolutions!

To get my 500 ton. This is the last winter I spend on crew boats.

My apologies Capt_A…I did not realize you took your masturbation so seriously!

Should you be operating a DP panel or something?

I am getting off watch right now and getting ready to get 2 more hours OT training with the engineers.

I thought he was talking about baiting the Master.

To actually sail more then 4 months next year

Lee are you sure you want to give it up completely? How about if you just stop rubbing 'em off while you’re on watch? Just keep it private? Giving it up for good can’t be healthy!

Lee, I concur with CA…I had a talk with my Doc, at the last physical…Were discussing the prostate…In no uncertain words he said," use it or lose it "…I told him to hold that thought and rushed out to the waiting room to grab the wife…I thought, if she heard this from the Doc instead of me that I would have it made…

Well, didja?

What? have it made??? Yeah for awhile and then she forgot again…

See, another reason one should not give up masterbation.

lol…I admit I have never sat around and listed the pro’s and con’s…Do you think I should??

To her, or to yourself? Might as well, either way. It could be inspirational.

Could be…You ever thought about being a counselor on your off time???..

You should never give it up, got to keep the juices flowing after all!

I hope to get my career at sea going early in '09, and then attend MITAGS for the Workboat Mate program later in '09.

Good for you Camthrop…never lose sight of your dreams…


I hope your search for work goes well in the GOM, keep us updated on what you find and don’t find, I personally am very interested.

No problem…I have a big mouth, ya know…lol…

Never quit…It’s a matter of hydraulics, it would be like lashing down a pressure relief valve. It could have fatal results.

I think we need a poll on this…lol…John??? ROFLMAO