Another upgrade question thread

Okay, I’m pretty confident on my ETAs except for one thing:

Where is a &@#%# reference to how many days are in each month in bowditch ( or other reference material)? When hopping from one month to the next it can totally @&% up the answer if I don’t know whether January has 31 or 30 days. Any pointers?

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You can count on the knuckles of one hand which will get you to July, then start over again with August. High is 31, low is 30 (or 28/29 for February).

Or the old ditty – Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November. All the rest have thirty one, save February.


I like it.

You’re welcome.

Or just use the nautical almanac or tide tables to double check, which is also in the testing room.

^^^ This.

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Then why are you using it for Delaware Bay entrance?

More than likely because I saw “Delaware” and thought they were the same or were the same reference station. Long study hours are making my brain whirl. I see the error in asking my question.